
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

With a Little Help from My Friends

We have our beautiful new baby boy, and he is taking all my time!  He was a little chunk, 9 lbs. 1 oz., and feeding him is a job and a half.  He is an absolute joy.  I haven't had a baby boy in 20 years, and I forgot how they steal your heart.

This post is mostly to thank the many friends who have prayed for me, for him, for us, through this year and over the last several years.  It's as though people who cared for us were waiting for an opportunity to bless us, and having our baby was just that.  And my friends and family have blessed us so beautifully that when I start to thank them, all I can do is cry.

So for all of you who brought us meals, sent cards, made and gave gifts, and most of all, prayed, thank you.  I love you.

Mommy and Malachi (6 weeks old)

Our little elf, sleeping on the blanket from Carrie, wearing the hat that Lisa made.  When I called Lisa and basically demanded that she knit a hat for him, and that the photographer was coming the next day, she got it done.....but I think she got no sleep that night.  (Photo shoot by Bee's Knees Photography)

My nephew and his baby cousin on the beautiful blanket from my friend Liz.  The quilt has a wealth of meaning for me. When I use it, which is all the time, I thank God for her and I pray pure joy for her.  "Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you...Selah...." Ps. 84:4.

And who in their right mind turns on the oven when it's 95 degrees outside?  Well, Amanda, that's who.  This pie was amazing.  So was the rest of the meal.  In fact, so were all the meals we were given.  My 20-year-old son, who could hardly look me in the eye when we told him we were having another baby, decided that the meal gifts were a great idea and maybe we should have another baby next year.  Very funny.

I was going to upload more images from Jessica's photo shoot....but now guess who is crying and needs his mommy?  I am learning that I need to work faster than ever if I want to get anything done.  But when I rock him and hold him, I am in no hurry.  I know that babies grow up very fast.